Spanish courses in Salamanca, Spain. Study spanish with Colegio Delibes


Do you want to learn Spanish?

The best teachers in the world. 10 different courses. Material included. 10 levels of learning. 12 students max in each class. Communicative method. Tutorials included. Do you need anything more?

A total immersion Program

We provide a complete daily program in Salamanca for an experience that you will remember for the rest of your life with more than 3000 students that come through Colegio Delibes every year.

Accommodation, activities, culture

We offer five different types of accommodation for you to choose exactly where you want to live. All housing options are managed by Colegio Delibes. Free conferences. Free movies. Tapas tour. Sports. Spanish cooking classes. Everything prepared for you to come and learn Spanish and enjoy Salamanca fully.

Learn Spanish in Spain: Colegio Delibes. Salamanca

Are you interested in learning Spanish? Great! You have reached Colegio Delibes: The best way to learn Spanish for first time or improve your language skills.

Colegio Delibes is located in a five story historic building in the square of Julian Sanchez "El Charro", just a five minutes walk from the Plaza Mayor. It is fully restored with the latest technology, equipped with an 8 person elevator, and has 23 spacious classrooms, all with climate control, computers, projectors and free Wi-Fi for students.

You can enjoy a coffee in our outdoor patio during class breaks with your classmates and enjoy the sun while sitting on one of its benches.

Spanish language book

Inside, you can enjoy a fully equipped video and conference room with a 60 person capacity, a gastronomy classroom for cooking classes, a library with books on loan, a computer room with free use of the Internet, an art gallery in the interior courtyard and WiFi networks on every floor.

When exiting the building, you will be greeted by a large green open square, full of trees and benches, and void of cars and traffic. Our students love the beautiful, safe, comfotrable environment to get some fresh air between and after classes. 


Spanish Courses

We have the type of course you need

C. Spanish Language and Literature

C. Spanish Language and Literature

1st and 2nd hours: Grammar (Course A)

3nd and 4rd hours: Conversation (Course A)

5th hour: You will study the key centuries and styles of Spanish literature through the most significant authors and their works. Both prose and poetry texts will be analyzed, books will be recommended, and literary commentaries will be given.

Prices from320 €

1 Weeks - 25 Hours

D. Spanish Language and Conversation

D. Spanish Language and Conversation

1st and 2nd hours: Grammar (Course A)

3rd and 4th hours: Conversation (Course A)

5th hour: Conversation. You will cover colloquial experssions, debates, and discussions on current texts. Students who have a beginner’s level of Spanish will be familiarized with basic vocabulary which will enable them to get around and travel in Spain independently and with confidence.

Prices from210 €

1 Weeks - 25 Hours

E. Spanish Language and Translation

E. Spanish Language and Translation

1st and 2nd hours: Grammar (Course A)

3rd and 4th hours: Conversation (Course A)

5th hour: Inverse translation with four options:

English-Spanish German-Spanish
French-Spanish Italian-Spanish
There are different types of works covered during class such as periodical, literary, social, political, and economic.

Prices from320 €

1 Weeks - 25 Hours

G. Super Intensive Spanish Language

G. Super Intensive Spanish Language

1st and 2nd hours: Grammar (Course A)

3rd and 4th hours: Conversation (Course A)

5th hour: There are four options:

  • Culture (Course B)
  • Literature (Course C)
  • Conversation (Course D)
  • Translation (Course E)

6th hour:

Monday: Colloquial conversation
Tuesday: Short writing exercises
Wednesday: Commentary of texts
Thursday: Formal conversation
Friday: Spanish cooking

Prices from380 €

1 Weeks - 30 Hours

A. Spanish Language

A. Spanish Language

This is the most suitable course for the majority of students. This intensive course allows you to learn quickly and to participate in the school's programmed activities where you will continue to learn outside of the classroom. During the first two hours, you will be taught various grammatical topics and they will be supported by a variety of exercises. These will include the correction of sentences, examples, as well as structural work on texts. The following two hours will be devoted to conversation including oral and written expression, vocabulary, colloquial phrases, as well as reading and listening comprehension.

Prices from490 €

2 Weeks - 40 Hours

C. Spanish Language and Literature

C. Spanish Language and Literature

1st and 2nd hours: Grammar (Course A)

3nd and 4rd hours: Conversation (Course A)

5th hour: You will study the key centuries and styles of Spanish literature through the most significant authors and their works. Both prose and poetry texts will be analyzed, books will be recommended, and literary commentaries will be given.

Prices from570 €

2 Weeks - 50 Hours

D. Spanish Language and Conversation

D. Spanish Language and Conversation

1st and 2nd hours: Grammar (Course A)

3rd and 4th hours: Conversation (Course A)

5th hour: Conversation. You will cover colloquial experssions, debates, and discussions on current texts. Students who have a beginner’s level of Spanish will be familiarized with basic vocabulary which will enable them to get around and travel in Spain independently and with confidence.

Prices from570 €

2 Weeks - 50 Hours


Spanish courses videos. Colegio Delibes.

Learn more about our College, classes and activities

Click on the following images to view our videos about the College, spanish classes, accommodation and activities in Salamanca.

Colegio Delibes. Tu escuela de español

The school

Colegio Delibes. Las clases de español

Spanish Courses

Colegio Delibes. Alojamiento para estudiantes de español en Salamanca


Colegio Delibes. Tu escuela de español


Colegio Delibes con Smile Connect.

Smile Connect

Colegio Delibes has a new building in Salamanca!

We are five minutes walking distance from the Plaza Mayor

We moved to a new building in the center of Salamanca!
new building
Colegio Delibes location

Spanish Courses PDF brochures

Take a look into our complete resource of information

Spanish Courses PDF Cursos de español en PDF Spanischkurse PDF Cours d'espagnol PDF
